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Blogger recently upgraded and now its a good news for you that Bloggers can add meta description to Blogger. Its the description that is shown when your blog is shown in search engines.

Enabling and adding meta description to multi-post pages

  1. Go to Settings > Search preferences > Meta tags > Description and click the Edit link.

  2. Click the Yes radio button to enable search description.
  3. Enter the meta description for your blog. This meta description will appear on your homepage and other multi-post pages.
  4. Click Save Changes button.


Adding meta description to individual pages

A meta description for a post or a static page can be added  via Blogger’s post editor.

  1. Click Posts and select a post to edit.
  2. Click Search Description option under Post settings. (This option appears only after you enabled search description in step 1)
  3. Enter the meta description for the post and click Done.

For older posts, you have to go back to edit each post and manually add in the description.

But before you do that, it’s better to confirm if this feature works on your blog template.


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