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These games works on every mobile browser and these are java scripts. You can use them in any site builder e.g. or any other better you know. :)

Mind Reader
Click Start to Play<p><script lamguage="JavaScript">
<!-- Begin
var cards = new Array(6);
var play = 0;
var cn = 0;
var ttl = 0;
cards[1] = " Box ONE \n 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 \n 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 \n 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 \n 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63";
cards[2] = " Box TWO \n 2 3 6 7 10 11 14 15 \n 18 19 22 23 26 27 30 31 \n 34 35 38 39 42 43 46 47 \n 50 51 54 55 58 59 62 63";
cards[3] = " Box THREE \n 4 5 6 7 12 13 14 15 \n 20 21 22 23 28 29 30 31 \n 36 37 38 39 44 45 46 47 \n 52 53 54 55 60 61 62 63";
cards[4] = " Box FOUR \n 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 \n 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 \n 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 \n 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63";
cards[5] = " Box FIVE \n 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 \n 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 \n 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 \n 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63";
cards[6] = " Box SIX \n 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 \n 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 \n 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 \n 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63";
var ccol = new Array("","#FF7777","Green","Blue","Gray","Red","Black");
var knos = new Array("",1,2,4,8,16,32);
function Nextcard() {
if(cn == 7)
else {
document.x.text.value="Is your number in the box above?";
function Restart() {
ttl=0; = "#FFFFFF"; = "#000000";
document.x.card.value = "Think of a number between 1 and 63. Six Boxes will be displayed. After the last one, we will tell you that which number was in your mind.";
document.x.text.value = "Click Start";
document.x.stbt.value = "Start";
function Yes() {
ttl = ttl + knos[cn];
function Start() { = "White";
document.x.stbt.value = "Restart";
play = 1;
function End() {
play = 2;
if(ttl < 10)
ttl = " " + ttl;
ttl = " " + ttl;
var one = ttl.charAt(1);
var two = ttl.charAt(2);
document.x.card.value = "\n THE NUMBER YOU WERE \n THINKING OF WAS : \n -- [ "+one+" "+two+" ] --"; = "Red";
document.x.text.value = "Click Restart to play again";
function click() {
event.cancelBubble = true;
event.returnValue = false;
document.oncontextmenu = click;
// End -->

<form name="x"><input type="hidden" name="PHPSESSID" value="1666a50931c4c261421d4041883f0be5" /><input type="hidden" name="PHPSESSID" value="539de1f45e9ac779a68b5925f4e49b88" /><input type="hidden" name="PHPSESSID" value="62d6fbf0684463b0aee8cf69ec8e7f81" />
<table border="0">
<textarea name="card" rows="5" cols="25">Think any number between 1 and 63. Six Boxes will be displayed. After the last Box, we will tell you that which number was in your mind.
<input type="text" name="text" value="Click Start to Play" size="25">
<td><div align="right">
<input type="button" value="YES" onclick="if(play==1) Yes()">
<input type="button" value="NO" onclick="if(play==1) Nextcard()">
<input type="button" name="stbt" value=" Start " onclick="if(play==0) Start(); else Restart()">
Story Teller
<div><strong>Description:</strong> A Story teller that will produce a different story for each surfer, depending on his personal information.<br/>
<div align="center"><head><script language="JavaScript">

<!--- hide from old browsers --->

function jumpBox(list) {
location.href = list.options[list.selectedIndex].value

//1997 All Rights Reserved, Tapan Karmaka
//For commercial user rates please email a quote request to

function compute(form) {
form.title.value = ("''A SHORT STORY,'' by " + form.firstName.value + " " + form.lastName.value);
if(form.gender.value == "Male" || form.gender.value == "male") {var boyGirl = "boy"} else {var boyGirl = "girl"};
if(form.gender.value == "Male" || form.gender.value == "male") {var heShe = "he"} else {var heShe = "she"};
if(form.gender.value == "Male" || form.gender.value == "male") {var hisHer = "his"} else {var hisHer = "her"};
if(form.gender.value == "Male" || form.gender.value == "male") {var himHer = "him"} else {var himHer = "her"};

var pet = form.color.value + " " + form.animal.value

form.story.value = ("Once upon a time there was a young " + boyGirl + " named " + form.firstName.value + ". " + form.firstName.value + " was " + form.age.value + " years old and lived in " + + ", " + form.state.value + ". While walking home from school one day, a " + pet + " jumped out from behind a " + form.plant.value + " and tackled " + form.firstName.value + " to the ground. But just when " + heShe + " was about to let out a scream for help, " + form.firstName.value + " realized that the " + pet + " was only licking " + hisHer + " face, not trying to bite it off. At that moment, " + form.firstName.value + " decided to keep the " + pet + " as a pet. And on the way home " + heShe + " decided to name " + hisHer + " pet " + pet + " ''" + form.friend.value + ".'' When " + form.firstName.value + " and " + hisHer + " new pet finally got home, guess who was standing on the front porch? That's right, it was " + form.firstName.value + "'s mother, " + + ". And boy was she surprised to see a " + pet + " following " + form.firstName.value + " into the yard! ''What in world is that?'' shouted " + + ". ''It's a " + pet + ",'' answered " + form.firstName.value + ". ''Dah, I can see that, " + form.firstName.value + ", but what on earth is it doing here?'' said " + + ". ''It's my new pet!'' answered " + form.firstName.value +". ''Oh you think so do you?'' remarked " + + ". ''I wouldn't get your hopes up. You know how your father hates " + pet + "s. But, well, I suppose you can keep him until your father comes home.'' And with that " + form.firstName.value + " grabbed " + form.friend.value + " by the scruff of the neck and led " + hisHer + " new pet into the house--even though " + heShe + " knew " + hisHer + " father was probably going to dissaprove. Once in the house, " + form.firstName.value + " and " + form.friend.value + " played and played, that is until " + form.firstName.value + "'s favorite television show, ''"+ + ",'' started. At that point " + form.firstName.value + " forgot all about " + form.friend.value + " having an unsupervised run of the house. That is until half way through ''" + + ",'' when " + form.firstName.value + " was brought back to reality when " + heShe + " heard " + hisHer + " father shout, ''" + form.cuss.value + "!! " + form.firstName.value + "! Get your " + form.butt.value + " in the " + + "...NOW!!'' With that " + form.firstName.value + " rushed into the " + + " to see what all the fuss was about. When " + heShe + " entered the " + + ", there stood " + hisHer + " father, " + + ", pointing toward the " + form.furn.value + ". ''Will someone please explain that?'' asked " + hisHer + " father. Then, as " + form.firstName.value + " followed " + hisHer + " father's finger to where it was pointing, " + heShe + " instantly knew what " + hisHer + " father was so upset about. There, smack dab in the middle of the " + form.furn.value + ", was the biggest pile of " + form.animal.value + " doo-doo " + heShe + " had ever seen! ''I don't EVEN want to know how that got there,'' said " + + ". ''But you had better get it cleaned up now! And you had better get rid of whatever it is that could have done such a thing!'' Well, knowing " + hisHer + " father as well as " + heShe + " did, " + form.firstName.value + " knew there was no sense even asking " + hisHer + " father if " + heShe + " could keep " + form.friend.value + " for a pet. So without hesitation, " + form.firstName.value + " set out to find where " + form.friend.value + " was hiding. After a few minutes of looking, " + form.firstName.value + " discovered " + form.friend.value + " crouched beneath the table that " + form.firstName.value + " did " + hisHer + " " + form.hobby.value + " on. ''Come on, " + form.friend.value + ", it's time to find you a new home. And hey, don't look at me that way, I'm not the one who did the dirty deed on the " + form.furn.value + "!'' scolded " + form.firstName.value + ". ''Thanks to you I'll never get to have my own pet " + form.animal.value + "!! And with that " + form.firstName.value + " led " + form.friend.value + " out of the house and down to the local " + + ". They had a pet section and " + form.firstName.value + " knew the owner would find " + form.friend.value + " a good home. So after saying good-bye to " + form.friend.value + ", and thanking the owner of " + + ", " + form.firstName.value + " walked backed home and attempted to dround " + hisHer + " sorrows by slamming down a half dozen " + form.drink.value + "s. But " + form.firstName.value + "'s pitty party came to an abrupt end when " + hisHer + " father reminded " + himHer + " about the mess " + heShe + " had neglected to clean up. And low and behold, midway through the clean-up, " + form.firstName.value + " suddenly became thankful that someone else was going to have to do it from now on. The End.");


function ClearForm(form) {
form.story.value = "";
form.title.value = "";

function ClearData(form) {
form.firstName.value = "";
form.lastName.value = "";
form.color.value = "";
form.drink.value = ""; = "";
form.state.value = ""; = ""; = "";
form.animal.value = "";
form.friend.value = ""; = "";
form.furn.value = "";
form.hobby.value = ""; = "";
form.cuss.value = "";
form.plant.value = "";
form.age.value = "";
form.gender.value = "";
form.butt.value = ""; = "";

<!-- done hiding from old browsers -->
Know Your Birthday
<div class="full"><div class="name">Know Your Birthday</div><div class="namen"> </div><div><div><div><script language="JavaScript">
<!-- begin script
//General Array Function
function MakeArray(n) {
this.length = n;
for (var i = 1; i <=n; i++) {
this[i] = 0;
//Initialize Days of Week Array
days = new MakeArray(7);
days[0] = "Saturday"
days[1] = "Sunday"
days[2] = "Monday"
days[3] = "Tuesday"
days[4] = "Wednesday"
days[5] = "Thursday"
days[6] = "Friday"
//Initialize Months Array
months = new MakeArray(12);
months[1] = "January"
months[2] = "February"
months[3] = "March"
months[4] = "April"
months[5] = "May"
months[6] = "June"
months[7] = "July"
months[8] = "August"
months[9] = "September"
months[10] = "October"
months[11] = "November"
months[12] = "December"
//Day of Week Function
function compute(form) {
var val1 = parseInt(, 10)
if ((val1 < 0) || (val1 > 31)) {
alert("Day is out of range")
var val2 = parseInt(form.month.value, 10)
if ((val2 < 0) || (val2 > 12)) {
alert("Month is out of range")
var val2x = parseInt(form.month.value, 10)
var val3 = parseInt(form.year.value, 10)
if (val3 < 1900) {
alert("You're that old!")
if (val2 == 1) {
val2x = 13;
val3 = val3-1
if (val2 == 2) {
val2x = 14;
val3 = val3-1
var val4 = parseInt(((val2x+1)*3)/5, 10)
var val5 = parseInt(val3/4, 10)
var val6 = parseInt(val3/100, 10)
var val7 = parseInt(val3/400, 10)
var val8 = val1+(val2x*2)+val4+val3+val5-val6+val7+2
var val9 = parseInt(val8/7, 10)
var val0 = val8-(val9*7)
form.result1.value = months[val2]+" " +", "+form.year.value
form.result2.value = days[val0]
// end script -->
On what day of the week were you born?
<br/>Enter your birthday. Then hit the Get button.
<br/><form><input type="hidden" name="PHPSESSID" value="5e5ce642881e77e76cee15d0370389fb" /><input type="hidden" name="PHPSESSID" value="de603bba2aeee03bd0c8f86383018b55" /><input type="hidden" name="PHPSESSID" value="4b8fdad54db6c8fa640c26a3b09746d9" />
Numeric Month (1-12):<input TYPE="text" NAME="month" SIZE="2"> </input><br/>Day of Month (1-31): <input TYPE="text" NAME="day" SIZE="3"></input><br/>Year (eg. 1960): <input TYPE="text" NAME="year" SIZE="6"></input> <br/><input TYPE="button" VALUE="Get" ONCLICK="compute(this.form)"></input> <input TYPE="reset"
<p>Date of Birth: <input TYPE="text" NAME="result1" SIZE="18"></input><br/>Day of Week: <input TYPE="text" NAME="result2" SIZE="18"></input> </p>
</div> </div>

Pet Animal
<div class="full"><div class="name">Pet Animal</div><div class="namen"> </div><div align="center"><script language="javascript">


function getpet () {

var toyear = 1997;
var birthyear = document.frm.inyear.value;
var birthpet="Ox - Hard Working"

x = (toyear - birthyear) % 12
if ((x == 1) || (x == -11)) {
birthpet="Mouse - Coward" }
else {
if (x == 0) {
birthpet="Ox" }
else {
if ((x == 11) || (x == -1)) {
birthpet="Tiger - Brave" }
else {
if ((x == 10) || (x == -2)) {
birthpet="Rabbit - Beautiful" }
else {
if ((x == 9) || (x == -3)) {
birthpet="Dragon - Be Aware" }
else {
if ((x == 8) || (x == -4)) {
birthpet="Snake - Marvelous" }
else {
if ((x == 7) || (x == -5)) {
birthpet="Horse - Too Fast" }
else {
if ((x == 6) || (x == -6)) {
birthpet="Sheep - Go To Graze" }
else {
if ((x == 5) || (x == -7)) {
birthpet="Monkey - Naughty" }
else {
if ((x == 4) || (x == -8)) {
birthpet="Chicken - Party Item." }
else {
if ((x == 3) || (x == -9)) {
birthpet="Dog - Faithful" }
else {
if ((x == 2) || (x == -10)) {
birthpet="Goat - Simple" }

document.frm.birth.value = birthpet;

// -->
It's a fun based game, which tells u about your Pet. Interesting for those people who love Pet animals. Just put Your Birth year e.g. 1975 and find out something special
<form name="frm"><input type="hidden" name="PHPSESSID" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="PHPSESSID" value="" />Enter Year:<br/><input type="text" size="4" name="inyear" value="1975" /> <br/><input class="shout" type="button" value="Get your Pet"
onClick="getpet()"/> <div class="fullbg"><input type="text" size="15" name="birth" /><br/>Your Pet</div></form></div></div>
Guess The Number
<div class="full"><div class="name">Guess The Number</div><div class="namen"> </div><script language="JavaScript">

var guessme=Math.round(Math.random()*(99)+1);
var speech='Guess my number (from 1 to 100)';

function process(mystery) {
var guess=document.forms.guessquiz.guess.value;
var speech='"'+guess+ '" does not make sense to me.';

if (guess==mystery)
document.forms.guessquiz.prompt.value='Congratulations! '+mystery+' is correct!';
alert ('Well done - The number '+mystery+' was in my mind\n\nPress OK to continue..');

if (mystery>guess)
speech='Greater than '+ guess;
if (mystery<guess)
speech='Less than '+ guess;

if (guess=='')
speech='You didn\'t guess anything!'

document.forms.guessquiz.prompt.value=speech; document.forms.guessquiz.guess.focus();



<form onSubmit="" name="guessquiz">
<p>Guess which number is in My Mind right now... (1 - 100)</p>
<input type="text" name="prompt" size="16" maxlength="40" value="Write your guess below.."/><br/>
Your Guess:<br/><input type="text" name="guess" size="3" maxlength="3" value=""/>
<input type="button" value="OK" onClick='process(guessme)'/>
Black Jack
<div class="full"><div align="left" class="name">Black Jack</div><div align="left" class="namen"> </div><p><script language="JavaScript">

<!-- Begin
var gameOver; var cardCount;
function Shuffle(max){
var num=Math.random()*max;
return Math.round(num)+1;
function getSuit(){
suit = Shuffle(4);
if(suit == 1) return "Spades";
if(suit == 2) return "Clubs";
if(suit == 3) return "Diamonds";
else return "Hearts";
function cardName(card){
if(card == 1) return "Ace";
if(card == 11) return "Jack";
if(card == 12) return "Queen";
if(card == 13) return "King";
return "" + card;
function cardValue(card,strWho){
if(card == 1) {
if(strWho =="You" && >10){
document.display.say2.value=document.display.say2.value+" Low"; return 1;}
else return 11; }
if(card > 10) return 10;
return card;
function PickACard(strWho){
card = Shuffle(12);
suit = getSuit();
if(strWho =="You")
document.display.say2.value=(cardName(card) + " of " + suit);
document.display.say1.value=(cardName(card) + " of " + suit);
return cardValue(card,strWho);
function NewHand(form){
if(gameOver !=0)
{form.say1.value=("Hand in Play!"); form.say2.value=(""); return;}
{ = 0; = 0; cardCount=0; = eval( + PickACard("Dealer"); = eval( + PickACard("You");
gameOver= -1; cardCount+=1;}
function Dealer(form){
if (gameOver ==0)
{form.say1.value=("Deal the Cards!"); form.say2.value=(""); return;}
{form.say1.value=("Not Below Ten!"); form.say2.value=("Take a Hit!"); return;}
if (cardCount <2)
{form.say1.value=("Minimum 2 Cards!"); form.say2.value=("Hit Again!"); return;}
while( < 17)
{ = eval( + PickACard("Dealer");}

function User(form){
if (gameOver ==0)
{form.say1.value=("Deal the Cards!"); form.say2.value=(""); return;}
{cardCount+=1; form.say1.value=("You Get..."); = eval( + PickACard("You");}
if( > 21)
{form.say1.value=("You Busted!");
gameOver=0; form.numgames.value=eval(form.numgames.value)-1;}
function LookAtHands(form){
if (gameOver ==0 ||<10 || cardCount <2){return;}
if( > 21)
{form.say1.value=("House Busts!"); form.say2.value=("You Win! :D :D");
gameOver=0; form.numgames.value=eval(form.numgames.value)+1;}
if( >
{form.say1.value=("You Win!"); form.say2.value=(":D :D :D");
gameOver=0; form.numgames.value=eval(form.numgames.value)+1;}
if( ==
{form.say1.value=("Game Tied!"); form.say2.value=("Try Again!");
gameOver=0; form.numgames.value=eval(form.numgames.value)-1;}
{form.say1.value=("House Wins!"); form.say2.value=("Tough Luck!");
gameOver=0; form.numgames.value=eval(form.numgames.value)-1;}
function setBj(){
gameOver=0; cardCount=0;"";"";
document.display.say1.value=" Hit 'Deal'";
document.display.say2.value=" To Start!";
// End -->

<body OnLoad="setBj()">

<form name="display">
<table bgcolor="#e3e3e3" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
<td><center><input type="text" name="dealer" size="2"/></center></td>
<td><center>Card(s): <input type="text" name="say1" size="18" value=""/></center></td>
<td><center><input type="text" name="numgames" size="3" value="0"/></center></td>
<td><center><input type="text" name="you" size="2"/></center></td>
<td><center>Card(s): <input type="text" name="say2" size="18" value=""/></center></td>
<td><center><input type="button" value="Deal" onClick="NewHand(this.form)"/></center></td>
<td colspan='3'><center>
<input type="button" value="Stand" onClick="Dealer(this.form);LookAtHands(this.form);"/>
<input type="button" value=" Hit " onClick="User(this.form)"/></center></td></tr>
Mind Analieser
<div class="full"><div class="name">Mind Analiese</div><div class="namen"></div><style type="text/css"> strong{color: red} </style>
<div><div><div><strong>Description:</strong> The below script will tell what you are thinking!
<strong>Example:</strong> Please follow the instructions below carefully. Go through each step first before pressing the below button, or you'll only ruin everything!<br/></div>
Please follow the instructions below carefully. Go through each step first before pressing the below button, or you'll only ruin everything!</center><br/>

<p align="left">1. Think of a number between 1 and 10.<br/>
2. Multiply the number by 9.<br/>
3. Add the digits of your result.<br/>
4. Subtract 5 from your new number.<br/>
5. Find the letter that corresponds to your number, if 1 = A, 2 = B, 3 = C, 4=D, etc.<br/>
6. Think of a country that begins with your letter e.g. D**mark.<br/>
7. Write down the name of that country.<br/>
8. Think of an animal beginning with the second letter of your country.<br/>
9. Think of the color of that animal.<br/>
10. Write down the animal and its color.<br/>
11. Think of an animal that begins with the last letter of your country.<br/>
12. Think of a fruit that begins with the last letter of this second animal.<br/>12i. Write down the fruit and the animal.<br/></p>

<center>When you are finished, touch analyze...
<div class="fullbg"><form name="scroll_form"><input type="hidden" name="PHPSESSID" value="6c3a392d0e54512e176192431ff5ee34" /><input type="hidden" name="PHPSESSID" value="b879ffaad1c4d6a1d3ce62794f9201d0" />
<input type="button" name="button_one" value="Analyze..." onClick="scroll_text()"/>
<input type="text" name="field" size="21" /><br/>
<div><div><head><script language="JavaScript">
var display_text = " Sadly, Denmark is an unlikely place "
+ "to find grey elephants and orange kangaroos! "
+ " Watch out next time "
+ "throughout this site!"
var display_text; var place; var meter;
var out = " "; var place = 50;
function scroll_text(){
for (meter = 0; meter < place; meter++){
out += " "
if (place >= 0)
out += display_text
else out = display_text.substring(-place,display_text.length)
document.scroll_form.field.value = out
out = " "
if (place < -(display_text.length)){
place = 50
// -->
</script></head> </div>

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